Monthly Archives: November 2017

What Can Democrats Learn From Alabama’s Doug Jones?

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  • 30 November 2017

In ordinary circumstances, Doug Jones would already be preparing to move to Washington DC. The former prosecutor famous for convicting KKK members for a church bombing is up against gay bashing, God and gun lovin’, twice kicked out of elected office, Judge Roy Moore. A man who has eight accusers of sexual assault, all of whom were underage at the time of the allegations.

Yet, if one looks at all the recent polls, they show a ti

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Identitatea europeană, asiatică sau eurasiatică a Rusiei. Discursuri intelectuale, teorii speculative și luări de poziție ideologice

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  • 6 November 2017

Problema filiației culturale multiple a identității rusești a reprezentat de-a lungul ultimelor trei secole și ceva o constantă a preocupărilor elitelor din Rusia, cunoscând un reviriment alimentat ideologic și politic în deceniile de după destrămarea Uniunii Sovietice și rămânând extrem de actuală în cea mai strictă contemporaneitate. În discursul acestor elite problema identității rusești lua inevitabil în considerare raportarea Rusiei la genomul cultural și ins

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The Revolution at 100, Stalin’s Terror at 80, Russia at 27

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  • 4 November 2017

 The Russian Government hoped nobody would notice, and sure enough, most of you did not. The 80th anniversary of the order that began the ‘Great Terror’ was ignored for lavish celebrations of Naval Day. In addition, the unveiling of the ‘Wall of Sorrows’ was ignored due to the release of Matilda.

As President Vladimir Putin stood at a podium in St. Petersburg earlier this year speaking of the high morals and professi

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