Malicious Use of AI and Challenges to Psychological Security: Future Risks

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  • 20 May 2024

In April 2024, the International Center for Social and Political Studies and Consulting International Center for Social and Political Studies and Consulting with the help of the International Research Group on Threats to International Psychological Security through Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence (Research MUAI) published the report citește mai mult

Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence and Challenges for BRICS Psychological Security on International Forum “Russia and Ibero-America in a Turbulent World: History and Prospects”

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  • 17 October 2023

On October 5, within the framework of the VI International Forum “Russia and Ibero-America in a Turbulent World: History and Modernity” at St. Petersburg State University, two sessions of the panel “Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence and Challenges for BRICS Psychological Security” were held under the chairmanship of Professor Evgeny N. Pashentsev.

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Presentation of “The Palgrave Handbook of Malicious Use of AI and Psychological Security” at international forum in St. Petersburg

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  • 17 October 2023

On October 4, 2023, as part of the international forum "Russia and Iberoamerica in a Turbulent World: History and Modernity", held at the School of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University, the presentation of the collective monograph "The Palgrave Handbook of Malicious Use of AI and Psychological Security" took place. The presentation was attended by the editor and co-author of the publication – DSc., professor Evgeny Pashentsev, leading researc

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Strategic Communication of Russia and China in BRICS under the Global Crisis: Challenges and Prospects

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  • 12 July 2023

Prof. Evgeny Pashentsev, a leading researcher at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia presented June 29 2023 a paper at the international symposium on “Global Security Governance: Current Challenges and China’s Solutions” in Beijing.

Below we publish a summary of his paper there.

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AI’s Malicious Use and Challenges to International Psychological Security

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  • 21 December 2022

In December 2022, the International Center for Social and Political Studies and Consulting published the second report Experts on the Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence and Challenges to International Psychological Security, penned by this author. This report stems from the re

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Online Lecture by Professor Evgeny N. Pashentsev “Global Changes, Challenges for Eurasia and Prospects for International Development” to the audience of China Foreign Affairs University, CFAU

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  • 13 December 2022

On November 21, 2022, the School of National Security of the China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU) organized a lecture by Prof. Evgeny N. Pashentsev, a leading researcher at the Institute of Contemporary International Studies of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The lecture was on the topic "Global Changes, Challenges for Eurasia and Prospects for International Development" w

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The Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence Was Discussed at the XIII International IT-Forum

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  • 15 June 2022

On the 7-9th of June 2022, the 13th International IT-Forum was held in Khanty-Mansiysk. The Forum attracted more than 5,000 participants from around the world, especially those from BRICS and SCO states.

A range of international conferences we

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U.S.: On the Way to Right-Wing Coup and Civil War?

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  • 29 April 2022

Today, amid heightening negative trends in the world economy, social and property polarization, the deepest crisis in international relations and the insufficient effectiveness of socially-oriented programs of national development, the prerequisites for coup d’état and civil war in various countries arise. For example, Africa reached last year an annual record (4) in the number of successful military coups i

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Young researchers from four countries discussed the threats of malicious use of artificial intelligence for international information and psychological security

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  • 18 February 2022

The expansion of the artificial intelligence (AI) usage has been causing deep concerns in experts’ circles for a long time. However, it is getting out AI of human control that tends to be regarded and securitized as the main threat. Such a scenario, nonetheless, does not take into account the fact the capabilities of AI can be deliberately used for criminal purposes.

Researchers from different countries are vigorously studying

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International group of experts on the Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence and Challenges to International Psychological Security.

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  • 6 February 2022

The analytical report “Experts on the Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence and Challenges to International Psychological Security”, published by the International center of socio-political researches and consulting on December 2021, is dedicated to the multidimensional problem of MUAI, the awareness of which is currently being raised both in academic expertise and in a vast sphere of the public opinion. The multidimensionality of MUAI is determined by its inte

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