Despre România și Rusia, cu pragmatism

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  • 5 October 2016

Abordarea relației româno – ruse se face diferit, în funcție de locul de unde se face analiza. Pentru un sud-american detașarea este mai ușor de realizat, dar pentru un polonez, ungur, ceh, slovac sau ucrainean obiectivitatea are un grad mai redus. Evident, o doză de sentiment este și mai lesne de detectat dacă analistul este român sau rus. Sentimentele omenești nu trebuie să acopere însă precum un nor soarele lucidității și al pragmatismului. Relațiile dintre state – alături de relațiile dintr

A Pragmatic Approach to Romania-Russia Relations

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  • 6 October 2016

The approach of the relations between Romania and Russia is carried out differently, according to the place where the analysis is performed. For a South American, detachment comes easier, but Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Slovakian or Ukrainian citizens cannot be equally objective. Obviously, a degree of sentiment is even easier to detect if the analyst is Romanian or Russian. However, human feelings must not eclipse the glow of lucidity and pragmatism. Every day, interstate relations, together wit

О Румынии и России, с прагматизмом

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  • 6 October 2016

Румыно-российские отношения можно рассматривать по-разному, в зависимости от того, где делается анализ. Южноамериканцу легче это сделать более беспристрастно. А поляк, венгр, словак или украинец будут менее объективными. Очевидно, что присутствуют больше эмоций, если аналитики являются румынами или русскими. Человеческие чувства не должны затмевать, как облако солнце, здравый смысл и прагматизм. Государства в своих каждодневных отношениях, как и народы, более трезвые и расчетливые, и не руковод

Russian Security Cannot be Anti-Russian

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  • 15 March 2022

To reflect on the period where the world now finds itself, we propose the term “cold hot war”, as this period has significant differences from the classical notion of the “Cold war”. Within the framework of the old Cold War, military confrontation between the two superpowers was always indirect. “Proxy” conflicts only emerged between their respective allies, when there was an intersection of interests in various regions of the world, but these never happened directly on the physical borders of t

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Russian Leadership Changes: How it was, is and how it might be

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  • 3 January 2022

Now that 2022 is finally here, it means Russia’s next presidential election is just two years away. The way has been paved for Vladimir Putin to run again if he chooses. The will he/won’t he? question is a favourite of pundits as is speculation of a potential or likely successor. Russia’s next leader will be immensely consequential, as will the time when he or she takes over. It’s certainly possible that by the end of the year, Putin will give some indication of his intentions. It’s even more po

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Researchers from Six Countries Discussed the Challenges for International Psychological Security in the Context of the Use of Artificial Intelligence

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  • 23 November 2020

On 12 November 2020, a panel discussion "Artificial Intelligence and International Psychological Security: Theoretical and Practical Implications" was held at St. Petersburg State University as part of the international conference "Strategic Communications in Business and Politics" (STRATCOM-2020). The discussion was moderated by Konstantin Pantserev – DSc in Political Sciences, Professor of the St. Petersburg State University, and Evgeny Pashentsev – DSc in History, Professor, Leading Research

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Conferință despre Transnistria, 4 – 5 Martie 2022

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  • 8 March 2022

Împlinirea a 30 de ani de la unul dintre cele mai dificile momente ale istoriei estului Europei a constituit temeiul unei conferințe științifice de prestigiu organizate în colaborare de către instituții de învățâmânt și cercetare din Chișinău, Târgoviște și București. Conferința cu titlul „Războiul de pe Nistru din 1992: 30 de ani după...” a fost organizată de către Asociația Națională a Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova (ANTIM), Centrul pentru Studii de Securitate Managementul Crizelor (CSSMC), A

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Forcing the Correct Choice: Deterring Right-Wing Radicals and Preventing Threats to Nuclear Facilities in Ukraine

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  • 7 March 2022

According to official statements by the Russian Federation, its army’s special military operation in Ukraine aims to both “demilitarize” and “denazify” the country. This operation is being carried out in a large state with a developed nuclear power industry, fairly powerful army (the largest in Europe outside of Russia and Turkey) and high firepower (22nd place in the world according to 2022 Military Strength Ranking (Global Firepower, 2022)). One of the primary objectives of the operation is to

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Azebaijan, cheia geostrategică a Asiei Centrale

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  • 13 February 2018

După destrămarea URSS, Azerbaijanul a fost statul ex-sovietic care alături de    republicile Baltice a avut o dezvoltare constantă și durabilă. Desigur, aici pot fi adresate unele critici regimului de la Baku cu privire la democrație, care în opinia multor analiști este doar mimată la Baku. Însă faptul adevărat este că acest stat a reușit să își gestioneze eficient resursele de care dispune pentru a deveni o societate prosperă. I se atribuie Azerbaijanului eticheta de petro-stat, lucru care este

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Malicious Use of AI and Challenges to Psychological Security: Future Risks

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  • 20 May 2024

In April 2024, the International Center for Social and Political Studies and Consulting International Center for Social and Political Studies and Consulting with the help of the International Research Group on Threats to International Psychological Security through Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence (Research MUAI) published the report “Malicious Use of AI and Challenges to Psychological Security of BRICS Countries”prepared by 10 researchers from three countries and coordinated by this aut

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Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence and Challenges for BRICS Psychological Security on International Forum “Russia and Ibero-America in a Turbulent World: History and Prospects”

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  • 17 October 2023

On October 5, within the framework of the VI International Forum “Russia and Ibero-America in a Turbulent World: History and Modernity” at St. Petersburg State University, two sessions of the panel “Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence and Challenges for BRICS Psychological Security” were held under the chairmanship of Professor Evgeny N. Pashentsev. In his paper “Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges to Psychological Security in Brazil”, Evgeny N. Pashentsev, Dsc., Prof.,

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Presentation of “The Palgrave Handbook of Malicious Use of AI and Psychological Security” at international forum in St. Petersburg

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  • 17 October 2023

On October 4, 2023, as part of the international forum "Russia and Iberoamerica in a Turbulent World: History and Modernity", held at the School of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University, the presentation of the collective monograph "The Palgrave Handbook of Malicious Use of AI and Psychological Security" took place. The presentation was attended by the editor and co-author of the publication – DSc., professor Evgeny Pashentsev, leading researcher at the Diplomatic Academy of

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