
Russia – four paintings from July

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  • 20 July 2018

The World Cup Is Over – What’s Next For Russia?

This was a successful world cup on many fronts. The Russian people showed the world a different side to themselves often overlooked in the media – one that was welcoming, warm and hospitable. It was a world cup where some of the ‘non-traditional’ broke through. It was well organised and greatly received by the fans at home and abroad.

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Russians Love Flowers, It Isn’t A Putin Thing

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  • 26 May 2018

When my mother came to visit me in Moscow, one of the first things she noticed was the amount of 24-hour florists everywhere. Flower etiquette is of particular importance in Russia. Simply put, you won’t survive here without it.

I write this piece because to anyone who knows anything about Russia, Putin presenting flowers to world leaders and their spouses is not altogether surprising.

The f

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Roundtable “The Role of Public Diplomacy and Strategic Communication in Times of Growing Confrоntation”, on 26th of April 2018, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Moscow

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  • 7 May 2018

The issues of public diplomacy and strategic communication are of considerable importance all over the world. In times of growing tensions their role cannot be underestimated. Their various forms, methods and aspects were discussed by an expert community of various countries during the recently held roundtable in Moscow. The event was organized by RANEPA, Advisory Committee on Humanitarian Cooperation, Rossotrudnichestvo Federal Agency, Association of Studies, Res

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Transformation of International Relations in the XXI Century: Challenges and Prospects, at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on 27th of April 2018

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  • 4 May 2018


The Issues of Strategic Communication at the Fourth Annual International Conference “Transformation of International Relations in the XXI Century: Challenges and Prospects” (TIR 4) which was held at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the  Russian Federation on 27th, April 2018

  On 27th of April, 2018 the IV International scientific conference “Transformation of international rel

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International Seminar «EU – Russia: challenges and opportunities for mutually beneficial strategic communication»

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  • 1 May 2018

On 26th of April 2018, experts from all over Europe gathered at Moscow State University to discuss the state of international affairs and media coverage of EU-Russian relations in the context of strategic communication. The core topic of the international seminar as the headline suggests was the current relationship between the EU and Russia. Moreover, the discussion focused on challenges and opportunities presented by political, social and cultural aspects of com

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Does The Russian State Support Jeremy Corbyn?

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  • 1 May 2018

Sunday 29 April 2018, 9 A.M., BBC One: Andrew Marr took the British public through the Sunday newspapers, as normal. The Sunday Times were reporting its research with Swansea University showing that ‘Russian bots’ tried to swing the 2017 General Election in Jeremy Corbyn’s favour. According to the report, 6,500 Twitter accounts were championing Labour and denigrating the Conservatives during the 2017 campaign.

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Strategic Communication in EU-Russia Relations: Tensions, Challenges and Opportunities

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  • 23 April 2018

Few days ago it appeared a book about Russian - European union relations, edited in Moscow by professor Evgeny Pashetsev and Erik Vlaeminck.

The title of this book is : "Strategic Communication in EU-Russia Relations: Tensions, Challenges and Opportunities", published on Moscow by The International Center for Socio-Political Studies and Consulting (ICSPSC), with the academic support of the Institute of Contemporary Internationa

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This isn’t 1980 and Theresa May isn’t Jimmy Carter

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  • 27 March 2018

I expected to see articles popping up comparing the British Prime Minister to Jimmy Carter on the eve of the 1980 Moscow Olympics.

On the face of it, the soil was fertile for a comparative piece: a partial boycott of a global sporting event, which will show case Russia to the world and a time where relations between Russia and the West are and were at low points; not to mention that both are considered weak leaders playing bad

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The Big Issue On The Campaign Trail

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  • 21 February 2018

As a Russian historian, I could not help but notice the not so subtly obvious. Every night on Rossiya 1 and Perviy Kanal, the candidates have been talking about Russian history like it is going out of fashion.

They and the Russian public are well aware of the urgent issues. Indeed, I could use up my words listing them. Yet, conduct a simple Google or Yandex search and the candidates are all s

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Cecenia – o istorie tristă a rezistenței la rusificare

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  • 12 February 2018

Cecenia este o republică autonomă din cadrul marii Federații Ruse, aflată pe linia nordică a Munților Caucaz, având ca vecini la vest Ingușetia și Osetia de Nord, la est Republica Daghestan, la nord ținutul Stavropol din Rusia, iar la sud Georgia.

Situația Ceceniei este una singulară la nivelul cordonului de state tampon din Caucazul de Nord, fiind singura unde s-au dus două războaie civile, cel de-al doilea continuând ș

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