
How to Stop Terrorist Psychological Campaigns, Enhanced by Artificial Intelligence , by Professor Evgeny Pashentsev

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  • 13 September 2019

Prof. Evgeny Pashentsev on How to Stop Terrorist Psychological Campaigns, Enhanced by Artificial Intelligence. The paper submitted at the 2ndInternational Conference “Countering Illicit Trafficking in Arms in the Context of Fighting International Terrorism”, Moscow,  5th – 6th of September 2019

The World Trade Center (WTC) Moscow on September 5-6 2019 hosted the 2 citește mai mult

For Cooperation between Countries, Expert Communities and Civil Society Organizations against the Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence and the Destabilization of the International Psychological Security and Democratic Institutions

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  • 11 July 2019

The Final Document of the International Research Seminar “Artificial Intelligence and Challenges to International Psychological Security” Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Moscow, June 14, 2019


(On the Initiative of the European – Russian Communication Management Network)


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Artificial intelligence and international psychological security: academic discussion in Khanty-Mansiysk and Moscow

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  • 1 July 2019

The development of artificial intelligence and machine learning, embedded systems and devices, the Internet of things, augmented and virtual reality, big data analysis (data science) and cloud computing, block chain, etc. stimulate the transition to a new technological order. At the same time, positive expectations associated with scientific and technological progress are combined with clearly perceived threats of the approaching future, which are described and an

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Putinofobia, Rusia Contemporană şi angoasele Occidentului – Chiesa Giulietto – Recenzie

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  • 26 June 2019

Jurnalistul italian Giulieto Chiesa aduce în prim-planul dezbaterilor istorice una dintreprincipalele teme ale secolului actual, anume imaginea liderului rus Vladimir Putin pe scena lumii politice mondiale.

Cartea descrie un fenomen actual despre care se vorbeşte la nivel mondial, anume „Sindromul Putin”. Menirea cărţii se concretizează prin prezentarea angoaselor Occidentului, la care se adaugă crizele economice, terorismul –

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The issues of strategic communication at the fifth annual International Conference “Transformation of International Relations in the XXI Century: Challenges and Prospects” (TIR 5) which was held at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on 26th, April 2019

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  • 5 May 2019

On April 26, 2019, the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation organized The Fifth International conference “Transformation of International Relations in the XXI Century: Challenges and Prospects”. The scientific event has become a reputed platform where Russian and foreign experts, diplomats and young researches come together to discuss the contemporary state of the international relations and try to predict th

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Russian Researchers on Strategic Communication in South Africa

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  • 22 March 2019

DSc. Prof. Evgeny Pashentsev, leading researcher at the Institute of Contemporary International Studies of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, director of the International Centre for Social and Political Studies and Consulting (ICSPSC), coordinator of the GlobalSt

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Artificial Intelligence and Challenges to International Psychological Security in Internet

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  • 7 February 2019

On February 5, 2019 the international press centre of MIA “Russia Today” hosted in Moscow a round table on “International Safer Internet Day. Global Trends and Common Sense”. Safer Internet Day was originally started in 2004 by InSafe – a European network of Awareness Centers promoting safer and better usage of Internet. However, it quickly spread out from Europe and became a worldw

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Explaining the Popularity of Russian History At The Box Office

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  • 4 February 2019

If you blinked, you almost certainly missed it. But some of the most notable films coming out of Russia this past decade all centered on its past. More specifically, the first half of the twentieth century, and the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany during the Great Patriotic War 1941-45.

My Good Hans (2015), White Tiger (2012), Panfilov’s 28 Men (2015), Rubezh (2018), Matilda (2017),

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Prof. Evgeny Pashentsev spoke on “Artificial Intelligence and Issues of National and International Psychological Security” at the round table at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

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  • 9 December 2018

On 28th of November 2018 at the MFA RF was held a round table "Freedom of Expression in the Digital Environment in the Context of Discussion of International Information Security Issues at Specialized International Platforms". It was organized by the Information and Press Department (IPD) at the MFA RF, MIA "Russia Today" (RossiyaSegodnya), Russian Committee of UNESCO Program "Information for All" and the Interregional Library Cooperation Centre. Two plenary sess

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A Russian History Lesson

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  • 7 September 2018

History has long been an object of reform since the collapse of the USSR. It has been used as an impetus for championing democratic change and explaining the chaos of the Russian Federation’s first decade. In addition, it is an important part of Vladimir Putin’s policy rhetoric to champion Russia’s ‘great powerness’ (derzhavnost’).

In the last twenty-eight years, history in schools has journeyed from one single view en

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