Identitatea europeană, asiatică sau eurasiatică a Rusiei. Discursuri intelectuale, teorii speculative și luări de poziție ideologice

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  • 6 November 2017

Problema filiației culturale multiple a identității rusești a reprezentat de-a lungul ultimelor trei secole și ceva o constantă a preocupărilor elitelor din Rusia, cunoscând un reviriment alimentat ideologic și politic în deceniile de după destrămarea Uniunii Sovietice și rămânând extrem de actuală în cea mai strictă contemporaneitate. În discursul acestor elite problema identității rusești lua inevitabil în considerare raportarea Rusiei la genomul cultural și ins

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The Revolution at 100, Stalin’s Terror at 80, Russia at 27

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  • 4 November 2017

 The Russian Government hoped nobody would notice, and sure enough, most of you did not. The 80th anniversary of the order that began the ‘Great Terror’ was ignored for lavish celebrations of Naval Day. In addition, the unveiling of the ‘Wall of Sorrows’ was ignored due to the release of Matilda.

As President Vladimir Putin stood at a podium in St. Petersburg earlier this year speaking of the high morals and professi

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Matilda: what was all the fuss about?

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  • 30 October 2017

So there I was, opening night of the most controversial film of the year. I paid my 370 rubles for a ticket to see the much anticipated Matilda: secret of the Romanov house. As I walked in, I noticed two police officers; not the norm for any Russian cinema, and they were also there when I left. It turns out nobody wanted a scene caused so it was just a precaution.

As the theatre filled up, I noticed something about the

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Matricea şi „Matrioşka”

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  • 15 October 2017

Deşi nu de neocolit, ne întrebăm adeseori cui serveşte o prezentare de carte. Să fie destinată potenţialului cititor pentru a-i facilita înţelegerea, să fie îndreptată chiar înspre mintea autorului de curând eliberată de ipotezele şi teoriile din lucrare, o liniştire asupra temei propriei valori, o zgândărire plăcută a orgoliului ? Să fie un mijloc sigur de publicitate comercială sau numai o modă trecătoare deşi aparent perenă ?  Orice s-ar spune în legătură cu as

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Coreea: calcule și efecte

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  • 17 September 2017

Pe 9 martie 2017 scriam despre criza din peninsula Coreea câteva opinii , iar ultimul paragraf era acesta: „Contextul personal al liderului nord-coreean face să fie astăzi mai probabilă o criză acută aici, d

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The Left’s Elusive Message: Old hats are still old, the Anglo-American case (part II)

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  • 12 September 2017

The phrase ‘old hat’, as one would expect, means something that is tediously familiar or outdated. Yet, walking through Shoreditch or Brooklyn, old hats seem stylish. What the owners of such hats probably aren’t willing to admit is that they paid around five times what the original owner did. This could be a metaphor for the political climate in the US and UK today.

Last week I wrote about who the left in British and American p

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The Left’s Elusive Voters: The Anglo – American Case

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  • 3 September 2017

Anyone paying attention to the US Senate race in 2018 will know the Democrats have a huge problem on their hands; most seats up for reelection are not just held by Democrat incumbents, they are in states that Donald Trump carried by large margins.

Across the pond this summer, those paying attention (who are not die hard Jeremy Corbyn fans) can also point to why Labour lost; they didn’t talk to the middle classes or what I senti

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O istorie a relațiilor României cu URSS-ul dezvăluite într-o nouă carte

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  • 8 August 2017

Mi-am permis să abordez o carte ce dezvăluie relațiile româno – ruse și în fapt ne supune la o recuperare a memoriei recente a relațiilor româno-ruse. Este vorba despre cartea Mirunei Mădălina Iancu, care tratează „Relațiile României cu Uniunea Sovietică în perioada anilor 1990-1991”.

Ceea ce ne propune Miruna Mădălina Iancu este o abordare prin care ne transmite că relațiile româno – ruse au fost la un nivel în care j

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Understanding British Foreign Policy Today

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  • 31 July 2017

Britain’s Foreign Office and diplomatic service have a proud history. Moreover, Britain’s engagement with the outside world goes back a few thousand years. These islands have historically been good at absorbing external influences within and influencing the internal situation of others.

One hundred years ago, I would be writing about the glorious empire on which the sun never sets, and the growing fortunes of our war against Ge

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Why Can’t Britain Just Walk Away from the EU?

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  • 23 July 2017

If you speak to anyone from UKIP, leaving the EU can be achieved in a week. They base this claim on a pamphlet by Gerard Batten, the gist of which dictates that repealing the 1972 European Communities Act ‘dances around Article 50’ and means Britain’s membership is no longer valid and all commitments and laws that apply are nullified. As such, negotiating an exit of any sorts is unnecessary and Britain would then be free to negotiate any trade deal and relationshi

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